Die Satapitaka-Buchreihe (Śata-piṭaka Series / Sata-Pitaka Series / Śatapiṭaka Series usw.) ist eine von Acharya Raghu Vira (1902-1963) begonnene und von seinem Sohn Lokesh Chandra fortgesetzte indologische und budhhologische Buchreihe. Sie erscheint seit 1957 in New Delhi. Die Reihe umfasst derzeit über 600 Bände. Aufgrund seiner Anlage und seiner langen Editionsgeschichte ist das Werk schwer zu überblicken.
- 2 Slokåntara (English), Sharada Rani.
- 3 Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary (compact edition), Lokesh Chandra.
- 4 Samantabhadra-carya-pranidhanaraja (English), Sushama Devi.
- 6 Ga.apati-tattwa, Sudarshana Devi Singhal.
- 15 Araji Booji, Raghu Vira.
- 19 Pentaglot Dictionary of Buddhist Terms (in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchurian, Mongolian and Chinese),Raghu Vira
- 22 Vikramaditya Tales from Mongolia (English introduction), Charles R. Bawden.
- 23 Tattwaj.ana and Mahaj.ana, Sudarshana Devi Singhal.
- 33(1-3) Catalogue du Tanjur Mongol Imprime, Parts 1-3, Rinchen.
- 35 RaghuVira Sraddhanjali (Homage to Prof. Dr. RaghuVira), Kakasaheb Kalelkar and others
- 36 Indiais National Language, RaghuVira.
- 40 Jaiminiya-srautasutra-vatti, Premnidhi Shastri.
- 76 Prof. RaghuVirais Expedition to China, Lokesh Chandra and Sudarshana Devi
- 83-91 The Tangut Tripiṭaka, Part 1-9, Edited by Eric Grinstead, From the collections of prof. Raghu Vira.
- 99 Sanskrit in Indonesia, Jan Gonda.
- 232 Buddhist Tales of Kashmir in Tibetan Woodcuts, Sharada Rani.
- 240 India and Asia (English), Raghu Vira.
- 242 Skanda-purana, Sharada Rani.
- 247 Siddham: An Essay on the History of Sanskrit Studies in China and Japan, R.H. van Gulik.
- 259 Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture, Vol.6, Lokesh Chandra.
- 260, 261 Works of Agwangdamba (Nag-dban-bstan-pa), Vols.1-2.
- 270 Pancavimsa-Brahama.a with the commentary of Sayana (facsimile reproduction of a Devanagari manuscript), Lokesh Chandra.
- 274 Buddhist Literature of the Manchus, Hartmut Walravens.
- 291 Works of Bstan-dar Snags-rams-pa, Lokesh Chandra.
- 292, 293 Ramaya.a of Valmiki, Vols.1-2, Lokesh Chandra.
- 294 Life and Works of Jibcundampa I (introduction in English), Lokesh Chandra.
- 295 Biography of Jibcundampa IV, Lokesh Chandra.
- 296 Biography of Dam-tshig-rdo-rje, Lokesh Chandra.
- 304 Katyayana-srauta-sutra and other Vedic Texts, Lokesh Chandra.
- 341 Corpus des Inscriptions du Pays Khmer, Claude Jacques.
- 342 Buddhist Iconography (compact edition), Lokesh Chandra.
- 343 A Ninth Century Scroll of the Vajradhatu Ma.OEala, Lokesh Chandra.
- 347-353 Indo-Tibetica, Vols.1-4 in 7 Parts - I, II, III.1, III.2, IV.1, IV.2, IV.3, Giuseppe Tucci, English translation ed. by Lokesh Chandra.
- 354, 355 The Matrix and Diamond World Ma.OEalas in Shingon Buddhism (compact edition), 2 Vols. in one, Adrian Snodgrass.
- 356, 357 Architecture, Time and Eternity, Vols.1-2, Adrian Snodgrass.
- 358 Introduction to Buddhist Art, Chikyo Yamamoto, with a preface by Lokesh
- 359 Mahavairocana-Sutra (English translation), Chikyo Yamamoto.
- 360 The Indonesian MahabharataoAdiparva (Kawa text with English translation), I Gusti Putu Phalgunadi.
- 361 Cultural Horizons of India, Vol.1, Lokesh Chandra.
- 362 Homa Rites and Ma.OEala Meditation in Tendai Buddhism, Michael Saso.
- 363 Evolution of the Garbhadhatu-Mandala, Ulrich Hans Richard Mammitzsch.
- 364 The Art and Culture of South-East Asia: A tribute to late Dr. M Sharada Rani, ed. Lokesh Chandra.
- 366 Cultural Horizons of India, Vol.2, Lokesh Chandra.
- 367 The Indonesian Mahabharata-Virataparava (Kawi text with English translation), I Gusti Putu Phalgunadi.
- 368 Chinese Buddhist Sculpture Under the Liao: Free Standing Works in situ and selected examples from public collections, Marilyn Leidig Gridley.
- 369, 371, 372, 374, 375, 377, 378 Tibetan Sanskrit Dictionary (supplementary volumes 1-7), Lokesh Chandra.
- 370 Cultural Horizons of India, Vol.3, Lokesh Chandra.
- 373 Bharatayuddha: An Old Javanese poem and its Indian sources, S. Supomo.
- 376 Tantra and Popular Religion in Tibet, Geoffrey Sumuel, Harmish Gregor and Elisabeth Stutchbury(eds.)
- 379 Lalitavajra's Manual of Buddhist Iconography, Sushama Lohia.
- 380 The Indonesian MahabharataoUdyogaparva (Kawi text with English translation), I Gusti PutuPhalgunadi.
- 381 Cultural Horizons of India, Vol.4, Lokesh Chandra.
- 382 History of the Sera Monastery of Tibet (1418-1959), Champa Thupten
- 383 Tibetan Ma.OEalas (Vajraval∂ and Tantra-samuccaya), RaghuVira and Lokesh Chandra.
- 384 The Indonesian Mahabharata-Bhismaparva (Kawi text with English translation), I Gusti Putu Phalgunadi.
- 386 Iconography of the Thousand Buddhas, Lokesh Chandra.
- 387 Hindu Deities in Thai Art, Gauri Devi.
- 388 Cultural Horizons of India, Vol.5, Lokesh Chandra.
- 389 The Indonesian MahabharataoA.ramavasaparva, Mosalaparva, Prasthanikaparva and Svargaroha.aparva, I Gusti Putu Phangunadi.
- 390 Cultural Horizons of India, Vol.6, Lokesh Chandra.
- 391 Cultural Horizons of India, Vol.7, Lokesh Chandra.
- 392 Sans-rGyas rGya-mTSHO: Life of the Fifth Dalai Lama, Zahiruddin Ahmad.
- 393 Esoteric Mudras of Japan, Gauri Devi.
- 394 Karanda-vyuha-sutra, Lokesh Chandra.
- 395 Society and Culture of Southeast Asia: Continuities and Changes, ed. Lokesh Chandra.
- 396-500 Urga Kanjur (in Tibetan), 105 Vols. (in 104 bindings), Lokesh Chandra.
- 501-600 Narthang Kanjur (in Tibetan), 100 Vols. (in 101 bindings), Lokesh Chandra.
- 601-606 Dictionary of Buddhist Iconography, Vols.1-6, Lokesh Chandra.
- 607 The Esoteric Iconography of Japanese Ma.OEalas, Lokesh Chandra.
- 608-612 Dictionary of Buddhist Iconography, Vols.7-11, Lokesh Chandra.
- 613-616 Dictionary of Buddhist Iconography, Vols.12-15, Lokesh Chandra.
- 617 Sanskrit-Tibetan Dictionary by Lokesh Chandra
- 618 An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy in India and Tibet by Zahiruddin
- 619 Buddhism: Art and Values by Lokesh Chandra.
- 620 Studies in Classical India: a collection of the articles of .RaghuVira.
- 621 Sanskrit-Chinese Lexicon, transcribed, reconstructed and translated by RaghuVira and his disciple Yamamoto Chikyo, ed. by Lokesh Chandra.
- 622 Paippalada-Samhita of the Atharva-veda, Books 1-20 edited by RaghuVira.
- 623 The Song of the Queen of Spring or a History of Tibet by Nag-dBan Blo-bZan rGya-mTSHo Fifth Dalai Lama of Tibet. Revised translation by Zahiruddin
- 624 Stupa: Cult and Symbolism. Contributions by Gustav Roth, Gottingen; Franz Karl Ehrhard, Munchen; Kimiaki Tanaka, Tokyo; Lokesh Chandra, New Delhi.
- 625 A Comprehensive English-Hindi Dictionary (Supplementary Volume) by RaghuVira, edited posthumously by Lokesh Chandra.
- 626 Buddhism among the Turks of Central Asia by Margit Koves
- 627 Life of Lord Buddha
- 628 A Comprehensive English-Hindi Dictionary of Governmental & Educational Words & Phrases by .RaghuVira