Rocket U2

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Rocket U2

Rocket U2 ist eine Suite von Datenbank-Management (DBMS) und unterstützende Software, die jetzt im Besitz von Rocket-Software sind. Es umfasst zwei MultiValue-Datenbank-Plattformen: UniData und UniVerse. [1] Beide Produkte sind Betriebsumgebungen, die auf die aktuellen Unix, Linux und Windows-Betriebssystemen laufen. [2] [3] Sie sind beide Derivate des Pick Betriebssystems. [4] [Zitierung benötigt] Die Familie umfasst auch Entwicklungstechnologien sowie Web freigebende Technologien, einschließlich SystemBuilder / SB +, RedBack und wIntegrate. [1]


UniVerse wurde ursprünglich von VMark Systems für vertikale Anwendungsentwicklung entwickelt. UniData wurde ursprünglich von der Unidata Corporation, für die Einbindung in vertikalen Softwareanwendungen entwickelt. Unidata Corporation fusionierte in 1997 mit VMark-Systems um eine neue Firma, Ardent Software zu begründen.[1] [5] Im März 2000, wurde Ardent Software von Informix erworben Informix.[1]. Anschließend im April 2001, erwarb IBM die Datenbank-Division von Informix.[2] Dadurch wurde UniVerse und UniData Bestandteil des IBM DB2-Produktfamilies. Anschließend begründete IBM die Information Management Gruppe, wovon Data-Management eine der Unterbereiche wurde, unter denen die IBM U2-Familie - UniData und UniVerse, zusammen mit den Werkzeuge SystemBuilder Extensible Architecture (SB/XA), die U2 Web-Entwicklungsumgebung (U2 Web DE) und wIntegrate umfasste.

Am 1. Oktober 2009 wurde es bekannt gemacht, dass Rocket-Software das gesamte U2-Portfolio von IBM gekauft hatte.[3][4] Die U2-Portfolio ist unter dem Namen RocketU2 gruppiert.

System structure[Bearbeiten]


Systeme bestehen aus Konten. Konten sind Verzeichnisse, die auf dem Host-Betriebssystem gespeichert sind. Konten enthalten den Satz von Dateien die zunächst für das ordnungsmäßige Funktionieren des Systems notwendig sind. Dies beinhaltet das VOC (vokabular) Datei des Systems, die jedem Befehl, Dateinamen, Stichwort, Alias, Skript, und anderen Zeigern erfasst. Konten können auch einen Satz verwandter Dateien beinhalten, die von einem Benutzer erstellt wird.
Ein System darf ein oder mehrer Konten haben.


Accounts are made up of files. Files are similar to tables in a traditional relational database in that each file has a unique name to distinguish it from other files and zero to multiple unique records that are logically related to each other.
Files are made up of two parts: a data file and a file dictionary (DICT). The data file contains records that store the actual data. The file dictionary contains the metadata used to describe the contents of the file.

gehaschte Tabellen[Bearbeiten]

For hashed files, a U2 system uses a hashing algorithm to sort the file's records into groups based on the record IDs. The algorithm then stores the address of each group in a hash table. When searching for data in a hashed file, the system only searches the group where the record ID is stored, making the search process run more efficiently and more quickly than searching through the whole file.

nicht-gehaschte Tabellen[Bearbeiten]

Nonhashed files are used to store data with little or no logical structure such as program source code, XML or plain text. This type of file is stored as a subdirectory within the account directory on the host operating system and may be read or edited using external tools.


Files are made up of records, which are similar to rows within tables of a traditional relational database. Each record has a unique key (called a "record ID" in U2) to distinguish it from other records in the file. These record IDs are typically hashed so that data can be retrieved quickly and efficiently.
Records (including record IDs) store the actual data as pure ASCII strings; there is no binary data stored in U2. For example, the hardware representation of a floating-point number would be converted to its ASCII equivalent before being stored. Usually these records are divided into fields (which are sometimes called "attributes" in U2). Each field is separated by a "field mark" (hexadecimal character FE).
Thus the following string:
123-45-6789^JOHN JONES^^432100^...
might represent a record in the EMPLOYEE file with 123-45-6789 as the Record ID, JOHN JONES as the first field, as the second field and $4321.00 as a monthly salary stored in the third field. (The up-arrow (^) above is the standard Pick notation of a field mark; that is, xFE).
Thus the first three fields of this record, including the record ID and trailing field mark, would take up 49 bytes of storage. Also notice that a given value only takes up as many bytes as are necessary. For example, in another record of the same file, JOHN JONES (10 bytes) might be replaced by MARJORIE Q. HUMPERDINK (21 bytes) yet each name only consumes as much storage as it requires (plus one for the field mark).
Fields may be broken down into values and even sub-values. Values are separated by value marks (character xFD); sub-values are separated by subvalue marks (character xFC). Thus, if John Jones happened to get a secord email address, the record might be updated to:
123-45-6789^JOHN JONES^]^432100^...
where the close bracket (]) represents a value mark.
Since each email address can be the ID of a record in separate file (in SQL terms, an outer join; in U2 terms, a "translate"), this provides the reason why U2 may be classified as a Multivalued database.


Raw information is called Data. A record is a set of logical grouped data. e.g. an employee record will have data stored in the form of fields/attributes like his name, address etc.


Both UniVerse and UniData have a structured BASIC language (UniVerse Basic and UniBasic, respectively), similar to Pick/BASIC which naturally operates on the structures of the MultiValue database. They also have a structured database query language (RetrieVe and UniQuery) used to select records for further processing and for adhoc queries and reports.

RocketU2 provides a set of Client Tools to allow software developers to access U2 databases from other software languages.[5]

Client Werkzeug Schnittstellen beinhalten:

  • UniOLEDB - OLEDB Treiber
  • UniObjects (COM)
  • UniObjects (.NET)
  • UniObjects (Java)
  • Native XML
  • U2 Web Services

Professional Zertifizierung[Bearbeiten]

RocketU2 offers seven professional certification designations related to the U2 product family through IBM until the end of 2009.[6] All carry the title Certified Solutions Expert.

  • U2 Family Application Development
  • U2 UniData V5.2 Administrator
  • U2 UniData V6.1 Administration
  • U2 UniData V7.1 Administration
  • U2 UniVerse V9.6 Administration
  • U2 UniVerse V10.1 Administration
  • U2 UniVerse V10.2 Administration

Siehe auch[Bearbeiten]



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