Peter Austin Nuttall
Peter Austin Nuttall (* 1792 in de:Ormskirk; † 9. Dezember 1869) war ein englischer Herausgeber von Wörterbüchern und lateinischen Klassikern.
- 1793 wurde en:P. Austin Nuttall in Ormskirk, Lancashire, geboren, wo er auch die Ormskirk Grammar School besuchte.
- 1822 schloss er ein Studium an der de:University of Aberdeen mit dem Erhalt einer de:Lehrberechtigung (en:Doctorate) ab.
- Von 1820 bis 1837 war er Mitarbeiter und möglicherweise Herausgeber des de:The Gentleman’s Magazine.[1][2]
- Ab 1825 erschienen seine Ausgaben lateinischer Autoren.
- 1839 wurde er Teilhaber einer Druckerei und produzierte Klassiker, pädagogische Nachschlagewerke, antikatholische de:Apologetik[3]und überarbeitete Ausgaben älterer Wörterbücher wie en:John Walker (lexicographer) und en:Samuel Johnson en:A Dictionary of the English Language.
- 1840 reichte er beim Parlament eine Petition gegen das Urheberrechtsgesetz en:Copyright Act 1842 ein.[4]
- 1863 veröffentlichte er Nuttall's Standard Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language (Nuttalls Standard Aussprachewörterbuch der englischen Sprache.
- Nuttall starb bankrott und hinterließ fünf Kinder; Seine Frau und mindestens drei Kinder verstarben vor ihm.[5]
Anschließend veröffentlichte en:Frederick Warne & Co. noch 1973 weitere Wörterbücher unter seinem Namen [6] und 1900 die en:The Nuttall Encyclopædia [7](überarbeitet bis 1956 [8] ).
Veröffentlichte Literatur[Bearbeiten]
- Robert Burns: The poetical works of Robert Burns., Preface by P. Austin Nuttall 1866.
- Thomas Fuller: History of the worthies of England., 3 vols. Thomas Tegg, London 1840.
- Horace: Q. Horatii Flacci opera : with an ordo and verbal translation, Translated by John Stirling, 4 vols, Printed for T. Ward, London 1827–30.
- Juvenal: D. Junii Juvenalis Satirae, Translated by John Stirling, T. Ward, London 1825.
- Juvenal: D. Junii Juvenalis Satirae., Linear translation by John Stirling; verse translation by en:William Gifford, Revised, Printed for the editor by Nichols & Son, London 1836.
- Virgil: P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica; containing an ordo and interlineal translation accompanying the text; a treatise on Latin versification and references to a scanning table. 1826.
- Hochspringen ↑ James M. Kuist: The Nichols file of the Gentleman's magazine: attributions of authorship and other documentation in editorial papers at the Folger Library.. University of Wisconsin Press, July 1982, ISBN 9780299084806.
- Hochspringen ↑ Emily Lorraine de Montluzin: Attributions of Authorship in the "Gentleman's Magazine", 1809–26: A Supplement to Kuist. In: Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia (Hrsg.): Studies in Bibliography. 47, 1994, S. 164–195: 193.; Emily Lorraine de Montluzin: Attributions of Authorship in the "Gentleman's Magazine", 1827-48: A Supplement to Kuist. In: Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia (Hrsg.): Studies in Bibliography. 49, 1996, S. 176–207: 205.
- Hochspringen ↑ T. H. Croft Moody: The Foundation of the Roman Church Destroyed by a Chain of Argumental Evidence.. P. A. Nuttall, Cheltenham 1843.
- Hochspringen ↑ Journals of the House of Commons. (PDF), 95 1840.
- Hochspringen ↑ born in Ormskirk in the early years of the French Revolutionary wars . There was some doubt about the exact date during his life time , because in the 1851 census he gave his age as 54 , and at his death in December 1869 the registrar recorded his age as 76. Even the Ormskirk parish register cannot settle the matter , for the only Nuttall baptism entry during the last twenty years of the eighteenth century is " Elizabeth , daughter of Laurence and Susan Nut- tal " , a possible but not probable sister , who was bap- tised on 15 March 1793. But the place of birth is in no doubt for Nuttall himself recorded it in the 1851 census returns , and in 1828 , in the Gentleman's Magazine , 1 he wrote a lively reminiscence of an attempt on the part of 1 XCVIII , pt . ii , 402-8 , the senior boys of Ormskirk Grammar School to revive the long - abandoned and forbidden frolic of barring - out the headmaster at Christmastide . Nuttall had been one of the apprehensive supporters of the head - boy , a self- styled Leonidas . But the short resistance against authority had had little resemblance to the battle of Thermopylæ except in the eyes of the boys , for while the seventy - year old master , the Rev. William Naylor , backed by [1]
- Hochspringen ↑ Lawrence H Dawson: Nuttall's concise standard dictionary of the English language, New, F. Warne, London 1976.
- Hochspringen ↑ James Wood: The Nuttall Encyclopaedia; Being a Concise and Comprehensive Dictionary of General Knowledge.. F. Warne & Co, London 1900.
- Hochspringen ↑ James Wood, Lawrence H. Dawson, C.M. Prior The Nuttall encyclopedia, dealing with biography, geography, history, mythology, literature, science and invention, religions of the world, politics, art, music, ... : the stage, sport. business, law, etc.. F. Warne, London & New York 1956.
Personendaten | |
NAME | Nuttall, P. Austin |
ALTERNATIVNAMEN | Nuttall, Peter Austin |
KURZBESCHREIBUNG | britischer Herausgeber |
GEBURTSORT | Ormskirk |
STERBEDATUM | 9. Dezember 1869 |