Peter Austin Nuttall

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Peter Austin Nuttall (* 1792 in de:Ormskirk; † 9. Dezember 1869) war ein englischer Herausgeber von Wörterbüchern und lateinischen Klassikern.

  • Ab 1825 erschienen seine Ausgaben lateinischer Autoren.
  • 1839 wurde er Teilhaber einer Druckerei und produzierte Klassiker, pädagogische Nachschlagewerke, antikatholische de:Apologetik[3]und überarbeitete Ausgaben älterer Wörterbücher wie en:John Walker (lexicographer) und en:Samuel Johnson en:A Dictionary of the English Language.
  • 1840 reichte er beim Parlament eine Petition gegen das Urheberrechtsgesetz en:Copyright Act 1842 ein.[4]
  • 1863 veröffentlichte er Nuttall's Standard Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language (Nuttalls Standard Aussprachewörterbuch der englischen Sprache.
  • Nuttall starb bankrott und hinterließ fünf Kinder; Seine Frau und mindestens drei Kinder verstarben vor ihm.[5]

Anschließend veröffentlichte en:Frederick Warne & Co. noch 1973 weitere Wörterbücher unter seinem Namen [6] und 1900 die en:The Nuttall Encyclopædia [7](überarbeitet bis 1956 [8] ).

Veröffentlichte Literatur[Bearbeiten]

  • Robert Burns: The poetical works of Robert Burns., Preface by P. Austin Nuttall 1866.
  • Thomas Fuller: History of the worthies of England., 3 vols. Thomas Tegg, London 1840.
  • Horace: Q. Horatii Flacci opera : with an ordo and verbal translation, Translated by John Stirling, 4 vols, Printed for T. Ward, London 1827–30.
  • Juvenal: D. Junii Juvenalis Satirae, Translated by John Stirling, T. Ward, London 1825.
  • Juvenal: D. Junii Juvenalis Satirae., Linear translation by John Stirling; verse translation by en:William Gifford, Revised, Printed for the editor by Nichols & Son, London 1836.
  • Virgil: P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica; containing an ordo and interlineal translation accompanying the text; a treatise on Latin versification and references to a scanning table. 1826.


  1. Hochspringen James M. Kuist: The Nichols file of the Gentleman's magazine: attributions of authorship and other documentation in editorial papers at the Folger Library.. University of Wisconsin Press, July 1982, ISBN 9780299084806.
  2. Hochspringen Emily Lorraine de Montluzin: Attributions of Authorship in the "Gentleman's Magazine", 1809–26: A Supplement to Kuist. In: Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia (Hrsg.): Studies in Bibliography. 47, 1994, S. 164–195: 193.; Emily Lorraine de Montluzin: Attributions of Authorship in the "Gentleman's Magazine", 1827-48: A Supplement to Kuist. In: Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia (Hrsg.): Studies in Bibliography. 49, 1996, S. 176–207: 205.
  3. Hochspringen T. H. Croft Moody: The Foundation of the Roman Church Destroyed by a Chain of Argumental Evidence.. P. A. Nuttall, Cheltenham 1843.
  4. Hochspringen Journals of the House of Commons. (PDF), 95 1840.
  5. Hochspringen born in Ormskirk in the early years of the French Revolutionary wars . There was some doubt about the exact date during his life time , because in the 1851 census he gave his age as 54 , and at his death in December 1869 the registrar recorded his age as 76. Even the Ormskirk parish register cannot settle the matter , for the only Nuttall baptism entry during the last twenty years of the eighteenth century is " Elizabeth , daughter of Laurence and Susan Nut- tal " , a possible but not probable sister , who was bap- tised on 15 March 1793. But the place of birth is in no doubt for Nuttall himself recorded it in the 1851 census returns , and in 1828 , in the Gentleman's Magazine , 1 he wrote a lively reminiscence of an attempt on the part of 1 XCVIII , pt . ii , 402-8 , the senior boys of Ormskirk Grammar School to revive the long - abandoned and forbidden frolic of barring - out the headmaster at Christmastide . Nuttall had been one of the apprehensive supporters of the head - boy , a self- styled Leonidas . But the short resistance against authority had had little resemblance to the battle of Thermopylæ except in the eyes of the boys , for while the seventy - year old master , the Rev. William Naylor , backed by [1]
  6. Hochspringen Lawrence H Dawson: Nuttall's concise standard dictionary of the English language, New, F. Warne, London 1976.
  7. Hochspringen James Wood: The Nuttall Encyclopaedia; Being a Concise and Comprehensive Dictionary of General Knowledge.. F. Warne & Co, London 1900.
  8. Hochspringen James Wood, Lawrence H. Dawson, C.M. Prior The Nuttall encyclopedia, dealing with biography, geography, history, mythology, literature, science and invention, religions of the world, politics, art, music, ... : the stage, sport. business, law, etc.. F. Warne, London & New York 1956.