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Ursprüngliches Datei-Logbuch
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2004-12-22 21:53 OneGuy 879×578×8 (66586 bytes) [[Baitul Mukarram]] Nation Mosque in [[Dhaka]] was built in [[1962]]. The structure resembles the [[Kaaba]] in [[Mecca]] {{PD}}
Category:Featured pictures of Bangladesh
Category:National symbols of Bangladesh
According to Sec. 72 of the "2000 Copyright Act of Bangladesh", the following acts shall not constitute infringement of copyright, namely:
(19) the making or publishing of a painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of architecture or the display of a work of architecture;
(20) the making or publishing of painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of a sculpture or other artistic work falling under section 36(c) (enumerated as "other works of artistic craftsmanship" under Sec. 2, "Definitions"), if such work is permanently situated in a public place or any premises to which the public has access;
(21) the inclusion in a cinematograph film of – (i) any artistic work permanently situated in a public place or any premises to which the public has access; or (ii) any other artistic work, if such inclusion is only by way of background or is otherwise incidental to the principal matters represented in the film;[...]