World Association for Sexual Health

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Die Internationale Vereinigung für Sexuelle Gesundheit (engl. World Association for Sexual Health, kurz WAS) ist ein internationaler Dachverband von Organisationen und Experten im Bereich der Sexualwissenschaften.[1] Sie wurde 1978 in Rom gegründet. Die Organisation verabschiedete die Erklärung der sexuellen Rechte.[2]

World Congress of Sexology[Bearbeiten]

Die Organisation richtet den World Congress of Sexology aus. Zunächst war der Veranstalter das United States Consortium for Sexology. Die Veranstaltungen waren unter anderem:[3]

  • I. International Congress of Medical Sexology, Paris, 3. bis 6. Juli 1974
  • II. International Congress of Sexology, Montreal, 28. bis 31. Oktober 1976[4]
  • III. International Congress of Medical Sexology, Rom, 20. bis ? Oktober 1978[5]
  • IV. World Congress of Sexology, Mexico City, 15. bis 22. Dezember 1979
  • V. World Congress of Sexology, Jerusalem, 21. bis 26. Juni 1981[6][7]
  • VI. World Congress of Sexology, Washington DC, 22. bis 27. Mai 1983[8]
  • VII. World Congress of Sexology, Neu-Delhi, 5. bis 8. November 1985[9]
  • VIII. World Congress of Sexology, Heidelberg, 14. bis 20. Juni 1987[10][11]
  • IX. World Congress of Sexology, Caracas, 3. bis 8. Dezember 1989[12]
  • X. World Congress of Sexology, Amsterdam, 18. bis 20. Juni 1991[13][14]
  • XI. World Congress of Sexology, Rio de Janeiro, 1. bis 5. Juni 1993[15]
  • XII. World Congress of Sexology, Yokohama, 12. bis 16. August 1995[16]
  • XIII. World Congress of Sexology, Valencia, 25. bis 29. Juni 1997[17]
  • XIV. Kongress in Hongkong, 1999
  • XV. World Congress of Sexology, Paris, 2001
  • XVI. World Congress of Sexology, Kongress in Havanna, 2003
  • XVII. World Congress of Sexology, Kongress in Montreal, 2005
  • XVIII. World Congress of Sexology, Sydney, 2007
  • IXX. World Congress of Sexology, Göteborg, 2009
  • XX. World Congress of Sexology, Glasgow, 2011
  • XXI. World Congress of Sexology, Porto Alegre, 2013
  • XXII. World Congress of Sexology, Singapur, 24. bis 28. Juli 2015[18]



  1. World Association for Sexual Health
  2. Declaration of Sexual Rights
  3. Liste
  4. Progress in Sexology: Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the 1976 International Congress of Sexology. NY: Plenum Press, 1977.
  5. Medical Sexology: The Third International Congress. Littleton, MA: PSG Pub. Co., 1979. Also published in 1980 by Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press.
  6. Sexology: Sexual Biology, Behavior and Therapy. Selected Papers of the 5th World Congress of Sexology. Amsterdam; Oxford: Excerpta Medica, 1982.
  7. International Research in Sexology: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress. NY: Praeger, 1984.
  8. Emerging Dimensions of Sexology: Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Sexology. NY: Praeger, 1984.
  9. World Congress of Sexology: Proceedings. Bombay: Indian Association of Sex Educators, Counsellors and Therapists, 1986.
  10. Sexology. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988.
  11. Plastic Surgery in the Sexually Handicapped. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988. [Papers presented at a satellite symposium of the 8th World Congress.]
  12. Sexology: An Independent Field Proceedings of the IXth World Congress of Sexology … Amsterdam; New York: Excerpta Medica, 1990.
  13. Sex Matters: Proceedings of the Xth World Congress … Amsterdam; New York: Excerpta Medica, 1992.
  14. Sex and Religion: Religious Issues in Sexological Treatment, Sexological Issues in Pastoral Care. Proceedings of the First Major Conference on the Relationship between Sex and Religion. Amsterdam; Atlanta: Rodopi, 1992. [Part of the 10th World Congress …]
  15. Youth, Love, and Ecology: Proceedings of the XI World Congress of Sexology … Bologna: Monduzzi editore, International Proceedings Division, 1994.
  16. Sexuality and Human Bonding: Proceedings of the XII World Congress of Sexology … Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1996.
  17. Sexuality and Human Rights: Proceedings of the XIII World Congress of Sexology … Valencia, Spain: Instituto de Sexologia y Psicoterapia Espill.
  18. 22nd Congress of the World Association for Sexual Health
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